Tuesday, 31 March 2009


It happens every time something big is going on in my life. I get sick. It's as if my body can't handle what my mind dreams up for myself. And so it is with this move to DC. As soon as all of the big tasks are out of the way and I can relax a bit my immune systems also relaxes and I am now feeling the effects: congestion, headache, body aches, sneezing, watery eyes, chills etc.

I left work a bit early yesterday because I just couldn't handle being in the land of the living any longer. I went straight to the grocery store to get drugs, and once I took the drugs and changed into something warmer and more comfortable, Tim wrapped me up as seen below:

You can't really see me here, but I'm squished between the two air mattresses over there in the corner.

A little closer, but still hiding

There I am. Looking my best.

Our thermometer is on its way to DC, so I don't know if I actually have a fever, but the fact that I have chills and am freezing when everyone else thinks the room is too warm makes me think that I am feverish. I really wish my body would cooperate.


Amber said...

Oh, Kendra! I feel you! My body rebels everytime I do any serious travel. January term 2005 I got violently ill on our way from Berlin to Athens and spent most of my week in Athens in my hotel room cursing the day I was born. On the place to Rome in 2007, a slight cold became a horrific sinus infection which took my energy and my voice for days. When I visited family in Michigan a few years ago I suddenly had the worst allergies you've ever heard of. And yet, my travel bug remains...

I hope you find the time to rest in all this craziness and get better!

Ally said...

Are you feeling all better now? You poor thing; squished between the air mattresses! Pitiful!