Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Moving Forward...

Even as Barack Obama moves forward after the final Democratic primaries this week, I move forward in my job search. Though my life is really no comparison to Obama's - I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now, as I'm sure he must have felt when he clinched more than the needed 2,118 delegates to secure his nomination as the Democratic candidate for President.

What I'm getting at is ... I got the job at Hecht & Norman Immigration Law Offices!! I will start as a Legal Assistant on August 5th. This is good news on so many levels.

First of all, I get to quit this boring and mind numbing job for something much more challenging, inspiring, and interesting! Also, I will be able to take at least eight days of paid vacation before I have to turn in my two weeks notice. I'm hoping I can use a day or two of vacation time (combined with a weekend) and slip up to Seattle on the train to visit my cousin Allyson and her family, and also spend some time with my best friend Julie at their cabin on Lake Chelan. Tim and I will take a few days to camp at Lake Pend Orielle (in North Idaho) with his family in July. And I can take that trip to San Francisco/Berkeley to visit Amber and Aaron the first few days of August before I start the new job. I will spend June and July reading up on immigration law and refreshing my Spanish. I've downloaded long lists of podcasts in Spanish, and will be doing my best to listen to them as often as possible - surrounding myself with the language in hopes of soaking it in and pouring it back out on the job.

Though I will be stressed beyond belief for the first few months, will take a slight pay cut, and will be without health insurance for three months, I am oh so excited about this job change. It seems that all the applying, interviewing, and hoping for jobs that I didn't get in the last several months has prepared me for today. This job is, by far, the best fit of all the jobs I've applied for. The timing is perfect, and the people seem to be enjoyable, intelligent and quite cosmopolitan, really. Just what I've been yearning for. And, most importantly, this job pertains to something I actually care about, and it's a job that could turn into a career...


Ally said...

Hip hip hooray! Kendra I'm so happy for you. This is so exciting. Congratulations!

Plus, coming to visit me? Hooray again! Shoot me and email and let's start talking dates! xoxox

Amber said...

Didn't I tell you that you'd get it? I am so not surprised, but still so happy for you! Hurray! And I still get you down here for a weekend! Wonderful!

Jess said...

Congratulations!!! Oh--I am so happy for you!!