Monday, 1 October 2007

9/11 Is Over

Though I do not always find US news or political babble terribly interesting (I find international topics much more appealing), Thomas Friedman is one collumnist I read often and frequently agree with. He mostly discusses international affairs, but his most recent article is more focused on the US.

Op-Ed Columnist
9/11 Is Over
Published: September 30, 2007
I honor and weep for those murdered on 9/11. But our reaction to 9/11 has knocked America completely out of balance, and it’s time to get things right again.


Amber said...

Have you read his recent book, "The World is Flat"? I have been wanting to pick it up for sometime... I have quite a stack to get through currently, but it will probably make my Christmas list. Being a Friedman fan and a history buff, it is one that I cannot avoid for long.

Kendra Joy said...

Amber, I haven't read "The World is Flat" yet. I heard him give a lecture on it, though. I did read "The Lexus and the Olive Tree" - fantastic. I definitely understand having a stack of books to get through. I'm currently taking a break from non-fiction and have picked up several really great novels. Just finished "The Kite Runner" and am now working on "The Time Traveler's Wife".

How's Fulbright coming along?? When is it due?