Friday, 17 July 2009

Chandelier Obsession

If you are a friend of mine on facebook you will have already seen my latest status: I have a thing for chandeliers.

I'm beginning to think I might have an obsession with beautiful light fixtures. And given that we live in a rented basement apartment with low ceilings, this obsession needs an outlet somewhere other than our home. That's where you come in: I'd like to share with you a few of the lovely pieces of chandelier artwork I've been drooling over for the last few weeks.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Last week Amber came to visit DC as the final stop on her 3 week East Coast adventure. She, Laura and I had a great time doing girly things and seeing the sights together. Here are a few pictures from the wonderful 4 days we spent with Amber:

View from the top of the Washington Monument -
you can see the Capitol if you look closely

View from the bottom of the Washington -
best view ever

Dance party at our place with Tim as DJ.
This was obviously a little Thriller.

Rocking out to our own private dance party.
I LOVE Laura's face in this one.

National Cathedral - absolutely gorgeous
(and it had great chandeliers!)

Paddleboats on the Tidal Basin.
You can see part of the Jefferson Memorial in the background.

Hirshhorn Museum of Modern Art.
This fountain was amazing.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Anniversary #2

Yesterday Tim and I celebrated our second anniversary. My, how the time flies! We celebrated with a fancy, yummy dinner at The Source (by Wolfgang Puck). Tim also got me lilies and roses (my favorites).

There is a funny story there, though. I've taken to buying myself flowers so I always have something bright and happy in a vase waiting for me when I come home. Last weekend we were at Eastern Market and I wanted to buy a new bunch of flowers, but Tim adamantly said "no". I walked off pouting as we headed home only to realize maybe he had a reason for not wanting me to buy myself flowers so close to our anniversary. Low and behold, he was just planning ahead so there would be a vacant vase for the bouquet he would buy me. Good hubby.

Being the shutter bug I am, I couldn't go without taking multiple pictures on our anniversary date. So, here is your inside look:

Lovely smelling flowers!

"Here Tim, smell how lovely they are!"
His face made me laugh.


Free dessert. The sauce read: "Happy Anniversary"

Sunday, 5 July 2009

National Holiday

Our first Fourth of July in DC was much less touristy that it should have been. We should have gone to the Mall and listened to all the concerts, been blown away by the loud booms of the fireworks and overwhelmed by all the tourists swarming the green space between the Capitol and the Lincoln.

We, however, spent our afternoon at a barbeque with friends in Virginia then moved on to another friend's apartment where we watched the fireworks with a view of the entire Mall.

Though it was nice to not be so overwhelmed by the large amounts of people, it would have been fun to do the touristy thing for our first year. Especially since we could have walked to and from the Mall and not had to worry about the crowded Metro. Ahh well, live and learn I suppose.

Beach Boys - Spirit of America, BBQ and
Apple Pie (being made in the background)

Laura and I had the patriotic thing going on.
We clearly love our country.

Tim, on the other hand, thought it best to wear a GREEN
Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland t-shirt.
Silly Timmy.

Our view of the fireworks. You can see the fuzzy outlines
of the Capitol on the left, the Washington in the middle
and the Lincoln on the right.