Sunday, 2 November 2008


Big news everyone! Tim relented and let me get a kitty! :) I went to the Humane Society on Friday, picked out an adorable kitten named Kylie, and was working through the paperwork in the Cattery to adopt her, when this little gray kitten hopped up on my lap, curled up and started purring. It was done; she had chosen me.

As all the pictures indicate, I'm already quite obsessed with our little 3-month-old baby. Her given name was "Little Girrrrl" which was one too many "r"s for me. Sophie fit much better, and I think she agrees. She seems to be a bit more enamored with Tim than with me for the moment, but I have a feeling she will come around.

Her favorite perch - the back of the couch.

She also loves the windowsill

Napping on my leg - precious.

She wasn't too sure about me when she first came home.

He might look like a tough guy, but he's really just a big softy.


Ally said...

She is so cute! And she's smart to take a liking to Tim; she probably sensed she needed to win him over. Cats are smart like that.

Amber said...

Scratching "Sophie" off my list of names I can give to my future child.

Adorable kitten though, I guess she can have it.

Jess said...

Oh, she is precious! Makes me miss that little kitten stage!

Arlene Winn said...
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